I have struggled with motivation for a while - I spend months 'on it' and then inexplicably I go off the boil. I know exactly what the problem is; I was lacking a goal. However, last night (18 Sept 2024) I made a bet with my Son; he said words to the effect that he would give me £100 if I would look something like Steve Reeves in his prime, i.e. like you will see to the left:
I do not think that this is unreasonable, and I gave myself five years, but I should get there in about two. This blog is about that journey. I will be posting some pictures along the way, you lucky devils.
I have taken my goals from Steve Reeves:
Arm size = 252% of wrist size.......... current wrist size 17.0 cm
Calf size = 192% of ankle size........... ankle size 22.5 cm
Neck size = 79% of head size............ 56.2 cm head circumference
Chest Size = 148% of pelvis size...... pelvis 95.5 cm
Waist size = 86% of pelvis size
Thigh size =175% of knee size......... knee size 36.0 cm
and weight = 195% of height........... 5' 7.5". That extra half an inch counts ;)
Date | Notes |
21/09/2024 The Beginning | Day one. Target dimensions are as follows; arm 42.8 cm, calf 43.2 cm, neck 44.5 cm, chest 141.3 cm, waist 81.7 cm, thigh 66.7 cm, the weight I am not concerned about at this stage - I know that I have some chub to lose. My current dimensions are as follows: arm 36.4 cm, calf 36.0 cm, neck 36.0 cm, chest, waist 91.0 cm, quad (R) 53.1 cm. Clearly I have alot of work to do. |
27/09/2024 | Workout, warm up followed by Watson plate loaded deadlift, three sets of 20. Then bench press 5 sets of six, then pull-up +5kg 8, 6 then x, then dips +10kg 8,6 and 6. That's legs, push, pull, push. I would have done another pull but I was time pressured. |
I have read two books recently, and for the next six months or so I am going down the Bob Whelan route. One quality workout per week is all I can manage at my age, with one lowerbody set, normally two pull exercises and two push exercises. | |
29/09/2024 | Workout, shoulder orientated. Lateral raise three sets of 12, reverse fly three sets of 12. Forearm work. |
I have admitted defeat, and begun performing some isolation work. In Steve Reeves book, he advocates concentration on shoulders and so I have decided to concentrate of just shoulders and a few bits and pieces that I feel that I can't do justice on my main workout. |